so. during the preparations:

camwhore is the best thing to do!

me and sherlene:

how time flies. I knew her during the mic auditions. and have become such good friends since then...

with triston. sang the first duet with him the first time I went for mic karaoke session. hahA.

with kula also. cool name she has:

and calvin. I knew him through sherlene also! during the mic auditions:

he is crap lah. qian bian look.

with weilin and jianzheng. my 1st pair of shifu to teach me singing:

then they swopped weilin with karyn:

saw modissa there too!!! hahA so qiao.
finally. family portrait:

not exactly all lah.

but still. I luv the pictures.

ohh jiewei.....hahA weird and funny guy!!!!! from IS too!:

sumore camwhore:

and we were bored so we decided to do


realli qian bian leh calvin...
hahaha mic can get quite boring at times...(oops)
but with these bunch of siao ppl it can only get better!!!
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