well I spent sat with tm.
hee. we bought lots of jap stuffs from the hokkaido fair. and ate lotsa food from delifrance.
guess what. or rather. WHO I saw at level 3
ya they still have one more son at the very right corner. but well he was hanging upside down so couldnt catch him on cam. btw some guy tapped me to help he and his friend take photo too. (and boy was he cute) I could have taken my chances. hahA. no lah
OK then on sun. becky was the only one who could go to the cosfest with me. thanx so much becky! luvs! DONT KNOW where joyce died to...and sian weide couldnt come. but anws.
guess what. we could only stay dere for less than an hour before becky rushes off to tuition and me to home and then to the airport.
BUT some camwhoring. as usual. before we get a heart attack at the d'marquee
is he cloud?
and gosh this robot or whatsoever is soo damn cute. not very nicely constructed though
(plus I see alot of masking tape behind lor) how the hell is he gonna move?
wahh sexy ar. I was wondering how long she was gonna pose there. coz she really posed veryyyyyyyyyyy long.....
or rather chicken BIG. so cute lor.
he got scared when I stood next to him for a photo. and started dancing when there was some music starting on the stage.
spiderman. I HATE.
but for chaijun. I just take lor. basically this one not bad leh. out of all.
and now for u to compare:

NANA. omgomgomg.I was sooooo HAPPY. I wanted to ask her soo many many qns! soo much that I think I could talk to her for 1h! but due to our HECTIC schedule I couldnt even ask for anything more other than a photo. bahhhh.
like last year. GRAFFITI! but I think the stupid SOS spoil everything
hahA jianming. I almost freaked out when I saw him. couldnt even recognise him even though he was like in front of me lor. (and can someone pls tell me WHY my legs open until so unglam?)
ohhh gosh. for this. I SCREAM. coz this little girl is just SO CUTE!
omg dont know why she just stand there in the middle of nowhere and let so many strangers shoot her. flash flash flash. as in the camera shoot...
C-U-T-E. and she looked into my camera even though there were soo many guys shooting her too! CUTE! me heart melt alr.
and look at the way she stands. ahhh.
her mum's so cool. I'm gonna be a cool mum too. pls infer. hehE
these I dont know what...anyhow take photo lor.
the blue girl's harp strings were wobbling lor. she should have tightened it more! hahahahaha so funny.
I just tried to take as many nice photos I can take as possible de. rush for time.
haizz I blurred this whole bunch of bleach.
showing the pic to my mum:"korkor got these in his display cabinets."
coz apparently he has loads of figurines mah. close to a hundred maybe? but majority of them are naruto. GOSH and I didnt take any photos of naruto. SADSAD.
but anws. at least I saw my fav NANA rite. though I think I am more nana than her in terms of attitude. coz she was very polite. aiyah whatever lah the way she speaks just isnt like nana lor...
so its time to say goodbye. sian lah less than 1h at cosfest leh. next year dont care I'm gonna really get confirmation from alot of ppl to go with me lor.
hmph. I know. its funny.
as least I think its funny.
well overall this year was not as spectacular as last year. well probably coz I stayed less than 1h
but for the action last year. click here
went airport to fetch dad from his holiday trip.
I see pretty pretty sunflowers which I thought was fake which my mum says its real.
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