like at last. I'm uploading the pics of our m5 performance at NTU HSS last
last last...fri
mandy put damn alot of chemicals on my hair
and started plaiting it. OMG I felt like an object when she was fiddling with
my hair! but nvm it was a great experience lah.
yepp. it was a freakingly bad performance
coz the speakers faced the audience and dont know why our music soo soft so in the
end we couldnt hear the music and talalala u know it lah how can anyone sing
on beat if u cant hear the music.
but then we tried our best lor. cannot hear also must sing all the way finish
mah. but our vocal teacher michele say actually we not bad alr. so I shant
blame myself anymore.
great thing was after the whole thing the
boss of angelsky. I just know thats an organisation. well anw he treated all of
us to dinner. woot. nice. got fried mantou. I LIKE.
I realised there is a lot to learn if u
wanna go into the entertainment industry.
have to know to suck up. smile. and always
ready to take photos and finally suck up to the boss. and basically act like
mister nice guy around everybody else.
its really not that glamarous and free and
easy like ppl think it to be. its tough.
but if your passion and drive is there. it
will overcome anything lah. HAHA.
reminds me of lit. its like a facet ppl put
well but other than that. the singing part is
real lah.
but...I luv cam whoring!

(from clockwise top left)
1 me and my that song partner stephanie. she
is so damn chio lah.
2 jian ming.then ryan. both from my vocal
class de.
3 the all of us newbies who
4 familiar guy? vin from one of the
superband bands.
5 calvin. one of the members of
6 michele! my great teacher. and leader of
7 elson. hee
8 the middle one is my vocal class with our
teacher lor.
hahA. I forgot to take photos with some
others too. but then hah there will be more chances to come.
just in case ur wondering. which I did when
I 1st joined m5. who is 'seasons' and elson?
they are upcoming artistes from singapore.
hee. yepp. =]
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