the drama is about this girl Go Mi Nyu who is about to become a full fledged sister (nun) in Rome. however, the manager(that funny guy lying on the floor in the next picture) of Go Mi Nam (her twin brother) begged her to take his place as a new additional member to the very famous band A.N.JELL. why? because of a botched double eyelid surgery where he has to go the the US for another surgery. she just has to pretend to be him for a month, where afterwards he would come back and everything would be back to normal.

well things doesn't go smoothly and at the 1st few episodes tae kyung (JANG GEUN SUK!!) discovered that she is a girl. and although he seemed as if he disliked her the 2 started to fall in love with each other. and amazingly the other member in A.N.JELL shin woo alr knew she was a girl right from the start, and was head over heels in love with her, but only protecting her quietly from the side. and the other member with blonde hair jeremy started to like "him" not knowing that go mi nam is actually a girl in disguise.

lucky girl eh? hahaha. dramas like this always like that de lah. although I don't think the female lead is pretty as she has a VERY round face, but ohwells. at least her acting with tae kyung was seamless. but seriously, when she stand beside tae kyung her face is gigantic. jang geun suk too skinny alr. haha.

Ii feel amazed that ppl working around go mi nam doesn't know she is a girl. in one of the scenes where she has to go underwater in the swimming pool. its so obvious her boobs are damn big!

but anw. this has become my fav drama till date. due to a few reasons:
1. JANG GEUN SUK IS LOVE. what more can I say.
2. using band and music as a topic is cliche I know. but its still my fav type.
3. the other 2 guys in the drama is actually cute and cool too! appeals to a large mass.
4. the fashion u see in the drama is LOVE. lots of nice clothes. makes ppl wanna go korea
5. the soundtrack OST is just awesome. jang geun suk's voice so sexy.
6. another drama which successfully creates merchandises that makes fangirls wanna get

yepp one of the scenes where tae kyung performs "operation" on a pig and rabbitI can only say...poor pig. become noseless. but its sacrifice enabled...

the famous "pig rabbit"

where he clips on the hairclip for his love.

so the hairclip has become famous.

another thing he put on the pig rabbit is the necklace he gave to his love at the end of the drama

and do u know jang geun suk has soo many different hairstyles in the drama that someone apparently put together all the hairstyles he had!? they say its the tae kyung's 100 hairstyles but from what I see its alot of repeats lah. not exactly 100 but, still alot.

click to see enlarged.
which ones do u like best? I like the ones where he put all his hair behind. shows his cute face mah. and it has more of a baddie look.

awesome awesome awesome!

watch it if u haven't. definitely good for girls to go gaga over.
the girl on the rightest is coordinator wang. the one in charge of the wardrobes and for go mi nam's chest flatener and fake balls. YA she even put fake balls to let ppl think she's a guy. HOHO.

scenes to watch out for:
1. go mi nam trying to light out the fire by spitting all over tae kyung's room. LOL
2. tae kyung standing in a large field, spreading his hands out like an idiot when afterwards a pig chased after him. LOL!!!! epic!

3. the "operation" of the pig rabbit. so cute!
4. the band goes grocery shopping, and reenact all their previous endorsements and commercials, and shows their strong bonds...awww
5. after tae kyung first kissed go mi nam, fireworks exploded on top of her head. HAHA

6. when tae kyung found out that go mi nam gave his 100marks, he hugged the pig rabbit like an idiot. HAHAHA SO CUTE!
7. the manager thinking of random "sorry sorry" scenes, "wife's temptation" scenes
8. jeremy singing and palpitating on the bus after he finds out that go mi nam likes tae kyung instead of him. and after he stepped down the bus his expression totally changed to happy...one of the saddest scenes....
9. how tae kyung pretended to want to hit go mi nam but kissed her instead. aww
10. the concert where tae kyung was looking out for go mi nam. the song he was singing at the same time makes u go "awwwww"
11. the concert where he walked towards go mi nam and yada yada u know what happens. aww...
12. basically all scenes where tae kyung pouts. OK I am biased.

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