and for the performing team, we can choose to go for their recommended singing lessons at various music schools, or not.
this sem, we decided on a collaboration with echo music, and being in the performing team, and thinking that I obviously need more guidance in singing, I joined their lessons at echo music lor. got subsidy leh why not.
so this series of lessons at echo music is called "Star program". that is, we actually become their "performing artiste" and perform periodically at their cafe at chinatown.
but one of the lessons was a trial photoshoot. we had to learn how to take photos too!?!?!?!

my first photoshoot at the cafe: barnyard cafe. no makeup no styled hair no nth. just for trial purposes.
blogshop photoshoots not counted lah.

yepp and that prepares us for the final photoshoot at the end of the module, which we have stylists, and a real studio to take photos at!
the studio is at geylang. and we had 2 backdrops. 1 white and 1 grey.

white background with happier and brighter feel. stylist said she wanted me to have the girl-next-door look. lol.

I reached at 11+am for hair and makeup lor. and the shoot started at like 3+ and ended at 7pm. can u imagine how tiring it was.

and jiahui here looks so different from her usual days!

and for the grey background, stylist wanted to do a bob for me at first! so exciting! but halfway she removed it and changed to a wilder feel. hah

but no matter how she poof my hair its still quite straight lor.

from left: winnie, jianzheng, me, jiahui
and thanx to jiahui, the person suddenly recommended us to use fan!!

and so I had fan! blow the hair!

at the end of the shoot, some left alr, while the rest took group fotos!

we close eyes coz the personnel needed to check the lights.
they used some device to check some numbers while the photographer takes with a bright flash. very interesting. I didn't know got such things. they have to get the device's number to a right degree before we are suitable to take pics. cool hor.
yepp and so that wraps up the photoshoot. so fun! wanna do it again!
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